If you’re in the process of building a home or business in California, you will be required to incorporate the California Green Building Code (CALGreen) including green building features and practices into its design. This is a significant value to you since there are many tangible benefits associated with sustainable, energy-efficient building design. But before you get started, it’s important to develop a clear idea of what green building materials and strategies you want to employ in your design.
At Rick’s Energy Solutions, Inc., we specialize in providing owners, contractors, builders, designers, and architects with all the resources they need to successfully design green buildings anywhere in California. From conducting energy consultations to delivering the energy compliance documentation they need to earn tax credits, we strive to offer comprehensive green building solutions to our clients. We also provide field verification and inspection of your building (special inspections) to certify that it complies with CALGreen or other green building rating systems such as Build It Green’s GreenPoint Rating.
We’re dedicated to helping contractors in California improve the sustainability of their buildings. Since we first started doing business more than 10 years ago, we’ve made it our mission to make The Golden State a greener place. We welcome the opportunity to help more companies adopt green building practices, and we would love to answer any questions you might have about compliance with CALGreen, GreenPoint Rating and sustainable construction and design.
To learn more about green building standards and CALGreen, give Rick’s Energy Solutions, Inc. a call at (707) 578-5380 today.